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  2. Implementation Center

Getting Started

Quick Guide to Setting up Mingo



The headers link to detailed instructions on how to set up each section. 

1. Add Security Groups

The Administrator's group is created by default with all security permissions. You can add additional groups like operators, supervisors, or managers. If you change any permissions, the users must log out and back in to see the changes.

2. Add Users

Your initial user for the company is assigned to the default Administrator's group, which has all permissions enabled. Please add the users that will have access to the system.

3. Set Up Shifts Codes

Shift codes identify shifts by name on the Calendar Shifts. The codes allow you to change the times of the shift but keep the same names for comparison. For example, if Shift 1 is from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, but then it changes from 6:00 AM to 3:00 PM.

At least one shift is required.

4. Establish Shift Calendars

Calendars represent the times and days on which shifts occur. A company has a default calendar, but it can be overridden by the facility, department, or cell/machine.

5. Define Downtime Categories & Codes

Set up master downtime categories and codes. Having a single set of downtime codes for the entire company makes reporting more consistent and accurate.

6. Establish Scrap Codes & Categories

Set up master scrap categories and codes. Having a single set of scrap codes for the entire company makes reporting more consistent and accurate.

7. Add Facilities or plants

Set up each plant as a facility.

At least one facility is required.

8. Add Departments to the facility

Set up departments within a facility.

At least one department per facility is required.

9. Add Cells/Machines

Set up the cells, machines, and stations. Configure mapping of Machine Data to events.

10. Define Parts

Part Numbers allow you to define cycle times and co-parts for production runs. 

11. Determine Cycle Times

Performance cannot be calculated without cycle times. A Default Cycle Time or Operation Cycle Time can be used on the Cell/Machine or Part Level.

For more information on Kepware or JSON data, Banner DXMs, and Mingo Kits, please click on each title.