Scrap Categories and Codes

Scrap is unusable material that is discarded. With the help of codes, Mingo measures your companies KPIs.

A user must have Scrap Categories & Codes security entitlement to add, edit, update or delete codes or categories. 

How to Setup Scrap Codes?

  1. Go to the Administration Tab, and click on the Scrap Code page
  2. To add a group or category, click on the Add Scrap Category button. To populate the category, click Add Scrap Code. A category is needed to create a Scrap Code.
  3. Fill in the information according to your process
    Scrap Name: Description of the scrap code
    Scrap Code: Reason code
    Color: Assigned to the specific downtime
  4. [Click] Confirm.

Assign Scrap Codes to Machines

By default, all of the scrap categories and codes are shown on the Operator Screen. You can limit the categories and codes shown based on a Facility, Department, or Machine. 

For example, for machines, go to the machine of your choosing. On the General Tab, select your scrap codes from the list: