Downtime Categories & Codes

Concepts Explained


Downtime categories and codes allow you to specify different reasons why a machine went down. The reasons can be entered by an operator on the operator screen, or they can be determined from data gathered from machines. 

For more information about How to Set up a Downtime Code, click here

Types of Downtime Events

  • Ignore: tracks a downtime duration but does not affect OEE, utilization, or availability calculation. 
  • Planned: These are scheduled downtimes, like Lunch, Set Up, and Preventive Maintenance. Usually, planned downtime has a specific time allotted to it. For example, Lunch is 30 minutes every day. Additionally, it does not affect OEE. 
  • Unplanned: This is unexpected and not scheduled. Events that negatively affect production runs. These downtimes have many causes and should be monitored for duration and frequency. It does affect OEE. 

Manual Resume

    • Events (quantities, scrap, downtime) are ignored when this downtime code is active. A user must manually resume the production run.
    • This is ideal when the machine may count quantities during setup that should be ignored. 

To learn how to set up a Manual Resume, click the following link