What Mingo Resource Should I Use?

Depending on your license, you have access to Dashboards, Scoreboards, Operator Screens, and Forms.


Dashboards are used to analyze historical data. This is the place where reports, charts, and analytical information will be found. The purpose of these dashboards is to provide managers and employees with clear, detailed information about the company's past production data. Some of the uses are:

  • Historical analysis to understand how effective the facility is from the first day of your go-live until the current production date.
  • Understand the quantitative difference between actual cycle time and planned cycle time. 
  • Visualize production goals and aggregate them by shift, machine, department, facility, company, etc. 
  • Access accurate information about your company's current status in comparison to past performance.

To learn more about dashboards, please visit the following article How to Set Up a Dashboard


Scoreboards are a live view of production on a specific machine, cell, or line. The goal of scoreboards is to answer one crucial question: what is happening with my production right now? Visualization of how a machine is performing is crucial in lean manufacturing. Some of the uses are:

  • Compare the performance of previous shifts to the one currently being run.
  • Visualize how multiple machines are performing on one screen.
  • Monitor if a machine is performing as planned.

To learn more about scoreboards, please visit the following article How to Set Up a Scoreboard

Operator Screens

Operator screens are used to manually report production, downtime, clock in/out of production, change to a new work order, and more. The goal of the production screen is for the operator and administrators to have control over their production. This control comes from understanding their performance, quality, and availability. Some of the uses are:

  • Alert banners when a specific set of expressions are met. To set up alerts, you can read the following article "How to Set Up Alerts".
  • Attach instructions, data sheets, and specifications for the product you are running.
  • Access forms to complete quality checks, maintenance reports, etc.
  • End of Run Report allows you to correct any missed quantities, scrap, and downtime, and report any additional metrics.

To learn more about Operator Screens, Alert Banners, End of Run Report, and Forms click the highlighted text


How much time does it take to find a piece of paper or fill an excel sheet? These actions are just the reporting part of the process, what about the analysis and charts you have to update? Forms are designed to reduce the time you spend collecting information and updating analytics. Some of the things you can accomplish with forms are:

  • Report and link your quality control check to a production run, machine, and time. 
  • Automatic graph and reports updates upon form completion.
  • Take control of your process by having access to forms created in the past in one centralized location

Access to some of these features depends on the license type