Validate Counts: Mingo and Physical Quantities

Number of parts coming through aggregated by time


This dashboard helps you aggregate your good quantities into minutes. Doing this allows you to validate the quantities coming through the machine in real-time with the quantities in Mingo. 

How to use it?

  • Validate if the quantities reported in Mingo Smart Factory match the production floor physical quantities.


Mingo will produce a table like this:

  1. Go the Analytics, and Select Dashboards
  2. Create a New Dashboard and write a name suited for your dashboard. For a set-by-step guide, click here
  3. Set the Default Filters to today.
  4. Add a Table Widget.
  5. Choose the metrics you need. In this case, we recommend using the name of the machine, good quantity events, and the time of each event. To only look at one machine per table, use the code or name of the machine you established in the hierarchy. Sort the columns by the latest time event to show on top. 

    We choose 20 rows in case there is multiple machines in the dashboard. This can be changed to your needs. You need to enable the Advanced feature to change it from the 100 predetermined number of rows. 

The code and name of the machine can be found when you select Cells/Machines on the Administration Tab