Mingo's NoWork Status

Gives you the ability to exclude data from reporting tools.


NoWork is a feature in Mingo that allows you to track quantities, downtimes, and more without affecting your KPIs and Mingo Alerts. 

A few scenarios where you would like a machine to run in No Work are:

  • Track the quantities of a new process without affecting your OEE.
  • Running a machine without a specific Work Order in order to understand the capacity of the machine.
  • Looking at Pareto charts without NoWork as a downtime category.

Short Stops will not be triggered if a machine is running in No Work. 


How to start a NoWork Run

You can edit the description and downtime type of the NoWork downtime.

From a Current Production Run

NoWork is available from the Change button on the Operator Screen. Mingo has a downtime code called NoWork, which is a planned downtime. 

From the Production Run Screen

Machines with Auto Start and Auto Stop disabled, or manual machines, can be placed in NoWork through the Production Run Tab.

After a complete Work Order at Shift Change

The machine needs Auto Start and Auto Stop enabled. The feature "Work Order at Shift Change" can be enabled on the Cell/Machine Settings.

When enabled, if an active Work Order is completed the Machine will start in No Work on the next shift. When turned off, the Department, Facility, or Company setting is used.

How to categorize and assign NoWork Downtimes

  1. Setup downtime codes.
    • You don't need special downtime codes for no work. If the codes are already in the system, they can be used. For example, if you have a downtime called No Operator or Machine Not Scheduled.
    • If you need to set up Downtime codes, please visit the article " How to Set Up a Downtime Code ".
  2. Assign the No Work Downtime codes to Facilities, Department, Lines or Machines. 
    • Creates a list of NoWork downtime reasons for the operator to choose from.
    • Downtime codes follow the Mingo Hierarchy

When the codes are established in the hierarchy, you will see a list of downtime codes to choose from.