Production Run Screen

Start Production Runs, overview of machine's status, and Work Order Snapshots


The Production Run Screen follows the Mingo Hierarchy from the Facilities to the Cells/Machines. This allows the user to navigate between the hierarchy (Figure 1) to select their machine.

Mingo Hierarchy

Figure 1: Mingo Hierarchy

At the same time, it gives you information on your current Work Order and type of downtime event. From this screen, you can easily navigate different machines, start unscheduled or scheduled work orders, and select your shifts.

If you only have one facility, the Mingo Hierarchy will start with your Departments.

Color Coding of the Cells/Machines

The Production Run Screen displays four main colors: blue, red, green, and gray. 

Figure 2: Production Run Colors

Figure 2: Production Run Colors

The meaning of the colors in figure two is the following:

  • Blue: The machine is down for an planned downtime.
  • Red: The machine is down for an unplanned downtime.
  • Green: The machine is running or the downtime type is ignored.
  • Gray: The machine is stopped. 

Start a Work Order

When you select a cell or machine, you are directed to the screen below.

On this screen, you can select the correct shift, start a scheduled or unscheduled work order, and visualize a list of all the scheduled work orders.