How to handle lunch and breaks

How to handle lunch and breaks Can I auto schedule lunch and breaks?

Many companies have breaks and lunch at a certain time each day and they want to schedule that downtime in SensrTrx automatically. 

The question comes up "Can we put breaks in the shift schedule and automatically record that downtime?" 

If you want to schedule planned downtime into your shifts, please follow the instructions on the following article Schedule Downtime.

There are a couple of options to handle breaks.

  1. Downtime detection
  2. Manually start a downtime timer

Downtime Detection

You can configure SensrTrx to automatically detect downtime and prompt for a reason code. Using this feature the operators on the line can just go on their break and when they come back they will be prompted for why the line was down. They can choose the correct reason code for that. 

Here is a link to more detail

Manual Downtime Entry

The operators before they go to lunch can start a downtime timer. The timer will automatically stop when they come back for lunch and SensrTrx sees the machine start up again. 

Here is a link to more detail.