How to create Generic Users

Create a user for the machine.


When you do not want to assign a user for each operator, and you want to create a user per machine. This user will have a restricted access, and it will allow weak passwords. This security measures can be changed at any point. 


Create a Security Group

  1. On the Administration Tab, go to System Configuration and select Security Groups
  2. If you do not see the security group you want to assign to this group of users, you can click Add Security Group.

    • Group Name: This field is required. It is the name of the security group.
    • Allow Weak Passwords: If this group is assigned to a user, they would be able to use weak passwords.
    • Active: This has to be enabled for the group to be active. 
  3. Once a security group is created, you can always edit the group's access to the system by clicking the following icon. 
  4. Click Save to save the changes. 

Create a User

  1. On the Administration Tab, go to System Configuration and select Users.
  2. If you do not see a user you would like to assign to the machine, you can create one by clicking Add User. 
    • Assigned Security Groups: select the security group you created for the machine's login. 

To learn more about Users and an explanation for each metric on this screen, please click here.