Trigger an Alert after 30 Minutes of Downtime

Create a 30 minutes downtime alert that ignores planned downtime.


Alerts are actions that need to be met to receive a notification of an occurrence. In this example, the alert will be set to one specific machine, for a period of 30 minutes, and disregard any planned downtime.

How to build it?

  1. On the Administration Tab, select Alerts. 
  2. Click on Add Alert and Select Events
  3. Write a Name and description
  4. If the Active switch is on, the Alert will deploy.
  5. The Expressions are the actions that need to be met for a notification to be sent via email or phone (the Mingo App is required).
  6. If the Threshold is zero, the alert will trigger immediately after the expressions are met. If not, the system will wait the allocated time to send the notification.
  7. The people in the Recipient's list will receive the notification.