Tag Mapping: Change Over

Automatic change over from one work order or part to another


The Change Over tag mapping allows you to trigger part, job or work order changes automatically based on machine or database data. For example many CNC machines know which parts they are producing based on the program currently running. You can map the program numbers to parts in SensrTrx and trigger change overs when the program changes in the CNC control. 

When the Change Over event is received SensrTrx will change the current production run on the machine to the new part, job, or work order. 

How it Works

The value for Change Overs has a specific format which is slightly different than other tag mappings. The format of the value provided by the machine should look like the following. 



part is the part number to change to

job is the job number to change to 

externalId if you have imported work orders into SensrTrx this will be the external id field for that work order. Typically it is an operation key or some identifying key from your ERP or Excel sheet for a specific work order. 


  1. If only a part number is provided and the current production run has a job number or work order associated with it. The new production run will not have that job number or work order associated with it.
  2. If only a job number is provided the new production run will keep the same part number as the current production run
  3. If part number and job are provided the new production run will use that provided part number and job number. 
  4. If the part does not exist it will be created
  5. If an externalId is provided, the part and job provided in the value will be ignored and not used on the new production run. 
  6. If the externalId provided does not exist the production run will not change over, event if part and job are also provided. You will see an error message in the machine events log.