Schedule & Work Order Excel Import

Importing schedule and work order information from Excel.

You must have Work Order permissions turned on to use these features. 


  • Inserting and updating work orders
  • Adding new parts via work order import

Business Rules

  • Work Order status cannot be changed to In Process with the import
  • An In Process work order can be updated but the following fields cannot change and an error will be shown:
    • Part
    • Machine
    • Job Number
    • Status
  • A work order that has been run can be updated but the following fields cannot change and an error will be shown:
    • Part
    • Machine
    • Job Number

    Excel Import

    You can import work orders from any of the Schedule screens: Bulk Edit, Machine Kanban and Status Kanban. 

    The excel file must include headers with the correct field names below. 

    To Import an Excel file:

    1. Navigate to one of the Schedule Screens
    2. Click the Export button
      1. This will give you a template to use for the import with the correct headings 
      2. You don't need to export every time, but it helps for your first import. 
    3. Add work orders to the spread sheet
      1. The valid field names are listed below. 
    4. Click Import
    5. The system will display how many work orders are create and updated. 
    6. Click confirm
    7. If there are any errors you will receive an email with an excel file showing each error. 
    8. Any part numbers in the Excel file that don't exist in SensrTrx will be created. 

    Updating Work Orders via Import

    The creation and update of work orders follow the rules below. 

    • If the ID column is populated the work order will be updated by ID. 
    • If the External ID column is populated and the ID column is blank the work order will be updated by External ID. 
    • If External ID and ID are blank a new work order will be created. 

    Field Names

    Name Description Required

    The status of the work order available values are: 

    • Not Scheduled
    • Scheduled
    • In Process
    • Completed


    Start Date The date the work order should start Yes
    Due Date The date the work order is due Yes
    Cell The code of the machine or cell for this work order. Note: This is the code not the name of the machine.  Yes
    Part Part number being made on this work order Yes
    Job Number Work Order or Job Number Yes
    Qty Required The quantity required for this work order Yes
    Change Over Duration Estimated time for the change over to this work order in minutes.  No
    Cycle Time The cycle time for the part on this work order.  No
    Cycle Time Unit

    The unit of measure CODE for the cycle time. 

    Supported units of measure list.

    Note: use the code, not the name of the cycle time unit of measure.

    Parts per Cycle

    Number of parts produced by each cycle of the machine. Defaults to 1.

    Head Count

    The number of operators estimated for this work order. Defaults to 1.

    External ID

    Reference to an external system id. For example the Job & Operation number from the ERP system.


    Internal unique identifier for this work order.


    Custom fields can be imported using the name of the custom field as the header. 

    Adding Parts via Work Order Import

    New parts that don't exist in SensrTrx can be added as part of the Work Order Import. Below is a list of field names that can be used to populate the part list. 

    Parts information is only updated from the work order when the part is created. If the part exists the data won't be updated.  

    Name Description Required
    Part Part number Yes
    Part Description Part description No
    Part Cost Part cost No
    Part Job Required Is a job number required for this part?  No
    Part Cycle Time Unit

    The unit of measure CODE for the cycle time. 

    Supported units of measure list.

    Note: use the code, not the name of the cycle time unit of measure.

    Part Planned Cycle Time The planned cycle time for this part.  No
    Part Parts per Cycle Number of parts produced by each cycle of the machine. Defaults to 1. No

    Custom fields can be imported by putting Part in front of the custom field name. For example if the custom field is named Goal, use Part Goal as the header.