Resource Groups

Group machines together for scheduling and reporting

Resource groups must be enabled by your account manager, reach out to support with any questions. 


  • Schedule the resource group instead of each machine or workstation. 
  • Machines and workstations can choose from Work Orders in the resource group
  • Filter and report on resource groups in the Dashboards
  • Multiple machines can work on the same Work Orders at the same time


Adding a Resource Groups

Adding a Resource Group to Scheduling

Adding a Resource Groups

Resource groups are part of a department, meaning you create resource groups within a department. 

  1. Navigate to Administration, and [click] Resource Groups on the Hierarchy Group
  2. Click Add Resource Group
  3. Enter a Code, Name, and Department for the group

Assign Machines and Work Centers to Resource Groups

  1. Navigate to Administration, and click on Cells/Machines
  2. Edit the machine you want to add to the Resource Group
  3. On the General Tab, choose the Resource Group
  4. Click Save

If you don't see the resource group you were expecting, make sure the resource group exists in the department assigned to the machine. The resource group list is limited to resource groups in the department assigned to the machine. 

Resource Groups & Scheduling

The big benefit of Resource Groups is being able to schedule by resource group rather than individual machines. For example, if you have 5 of the same type of machine that can produce similar products you can add Work Orders to the resource group and any of the 5 machines can work on the work orders. 

Add a Work Order to a Resource Group

  1. Navigate to Administration, and click on Machine Kanban
  2. Click Add Work Order
  3. From the drop down under Machine/Resource Group choose a Resource Group for the Work Order. 
  4. Enter the remaining details and click Save
  5. This Work Order will show up in the Work Queue for any machine in that Resource Group. 

Resource Group Filters in Scheduling Module

If you filter by a resource group on one of the scheduling screens the system will show both the resource group and any machines in that resource group.