Mingo Glossary

A list of common terms used in Mingo. 


The amount of time a machine was productive vs scheduled production time. This formula can be complicated based on how you want to track downtime.
Try the OEE Calculator and review the formulas.

Cycle Time

No acronym here, but cycle time is a very common phrase used in manufacturing. It is an essential manufacturing key performance indicator for a number of systems and other calculations. For example, it is used by ERP and MES systems for scheduling, purchasing, and production cost, but is also a key component of calculating OEE. Check out the Cycle Time Formula resource for a deeper dive.

OEE – Overall Equipment Effectiveness

The most well-known metric in the manufacturing industry evaluates availability, performance, and quality to determine machine effectiveness. Using a formula developed by the automotive manufacturer Toyota, OEE is calculated by multiplying all of those factors together to get one single metric. Learn more about OEE.

Try the OEE Calculator and review the formulas.


Quality is the ration of good parts versus total production.

Try the OEE Calculator and review the formulas to see how different values effect the performance calculation.  


Performance is how the equipment is performing against its capacity. In this calculation we use the ideal cycle time and operating time to determine how many parts the machine can produce under ideal operating conditions. We then calculate the ratio of how many parts we actually produced vs the capacity. 

Try the OEE Calculator and review the formulas to see how different values effect the performance calculation.  


Created by world-renowned Italian economist, Vilfredo Pareto, the Pareto principle states that 80% of consequences come from 20% of causes. In manufacturing, the principle can be applied to analyzing downtime. Generally speaking, 20% of causes affect 80% of downtime. Using data science, manufacturers can determine the top issues affecting performance. 

Production Record

A production record consists of the production date, machine or cell, part and shift. It is very similar to a work order, production order or job in other systems. All of the data that is collected in Mingo is associated with the production record. It allows you to easily search and filter the data in the dashboards and compare it against your production schedule.  

Event Log

Attached to a production record is the event log. The event log is a time series history of everything that happened on a machine during a production run. It tracks downtime, good quantities, scrap, change overs and production starts and stops.