Mettler Toledo Scale Support

Connecting Mettler Toledo scales to read weights


  • This feature is supported Chrome or Edge web browsers
  • This feature is supported only on Windows PCs or Macs it is not supported on tablets
  • Your company must have the Manual Process Data feature enabled
  • Only Mettler Toledo scales are supported


  • Read weights directly from Mettler Toledo Scales connected to you computer
  • Record weights as process data against a production run
  • Support for MT-SICS protocol 


Enable the feature

  1. Navigate to Administration -> Companies
  2. Edit the company
  3. Click on the settings tab
  4. Turn on Enable Serial Devices
  5. Click the save button

Device Configuration

  1. Navigate to Administration -> Companies
  2. Edit the company
  3. Click the Serial Devices tab
  4. Click Add Serial Device
  5. Enter a code and name
  6. Choose the MT-SICS protocol
  7. Click update to save this device (example below)

Map the Device a Process Data Metric

  1. Navigate to Administration -> Cells/Machines
  2. Edit the machine where you want to collect the data
  3. Click on serial device mappings
  4. Choose the serial device setup in the prior setup
  5. Choose the metric where you want to record the data read from the scale
  6. Click update (example below)

First Time Usage

  1. Navigate to the operator screen for the machine 
  2. Click the Process Data button
  3. The manual process data screen appears like the one below
  4. Click the open button
  5. A drop down will appear in the browser, example below
    1. This drop down only appears the first time you connect to the scale
  6. Choose your scale from the list of devices and click Connect. 
  7. Once connected the weight will be automatically read into the Process Data Metric you chose above