May 2019

May 2019 Software Updates Updates and Fixes.

The Highlights

  • Mobile App - Version 1 released, get alerts and push notifications
  • Post Production Scrap - Enter scrap after production is complete
  • Downtime Comments - Prompt for a comment when choosing a downtime reason
  • Change Over/Setup Time Tracking - Automatically track change overtime
  • Dashboard Save As - Save a copy of a dashboard
  • Dashboard Allow Edit - Allow other users to edit a dashboard

Mobile App

This month we released our first mobile application. It is designed to do the following: 

  1. Receive alerts as push notifications
  2. View real-time status of your machines and cells
  3. View alert history

You can download it here: Apple App Store or Google Play Store

Post Production Scrap Reporting

Yes, this title is a mouth full but it describes what this feature is pretty well. Many of our customers inspect after the product has already been produced and need to make adjustments after the fact. 

On each machine or cell that has Post Production Scrap Reporting turned on, when you enter scrap it will remove a good quantity and add a scrap record with the reason code you choose. 

To enable Post Production Scrap Recording

  1. Edit the machine or cell
  2. Click the Settings Tab
  3. Turn the Post Production Scrap Reporting flag on 

Downtime Comment Prompt

SensrTrx can detect and record downtime if we don't see a signal for a certain amount of time from a machine. 

When we detect downtime a popup is shown to the operator for them to choose the real reason for the downtime. 

If you turn the downtime comment prompt on the system will ask the operator for comment after they choose the reason code. 

This can be very useful for communicating information to other people in the plant. For example, calling for help from maintenance or a supervisor. 

To enable the Downtime Comment Prompt

  1. Go to Downtime Reasons under Administration
  2. Find your downtime reason
  3. Change the Comment Prompt to Yes

Note: This does not change how manual downtime is entered, you can always enter a comment when recording downtime manually; even if Comment Prompt is not turned on. 

Change Over Tracking

You can choose a reason code to track setup and change overtime automatically. When a machine changes parts or jobs the system will automatically track the time from the change over until the first part is received from the machine. 

To enable Change Over Tracking

  1. Edit the machine or cell
  2. Click the settings tab
  3. Choose a Change Over Reason from the drop-down

Dashboard Save As

You can save a copy of a dashboard. There is a new icon on the dashboard for users that have dashboard edit rights. When you click the Save As icon you are prompted for a new dashboard name. When you click save you will have a copy of that dashboard. 

If you try to edit and save a dashboard and you don't have edit rights when you try to save it you will be prompted to save it as a new dashboard. This will preserve your changes. It works like save as in Microsoft Word or Excel. 

Dashboard Allow Edit

Currently, only the dashboard owner can save changes to a dashboard. Using the Allow Edit flag you can allow others to edit the dashboard and save changes. 

These users still must-have dashboard edit rights in the system.