
Translate your system into any language even your own.


The language module allows you to define your own language for Mingo. By default the system provides English.

Creating New Language

  1. Click New Language
  2. Enter the Language Name and Language Code
  3. Update the field names as required, the field names are displayed in alphabetical order by table and form name.
  4. Save
  5. You can set the company default language under Company or set a default language for a user. 
  6. You must logout and log back in to see your changes.

Keep in Mind

  • When you create a new language the field names are copied from the system English Language file.
  • Languages are applied to the entire company
  • Values like part names and downtime codes can not be translated only the field names

Field Descriptions

Language Name

The name of your language

Language Code

A code to identify your language