How to Navigate

Basic navigation tips to help with filtering, sorting, navigation bar machines, and personal profile

Navigation Bar Machines

Machines highlighted on the navigation bar provide immediate visibility to a machine's status and a simple method of navigating to the default Operator screen of the machine.

Your security permission level must allow Navigation Bar setting changes

To enable a User to view any machine on their Navigation Bar, Machine(s) must be added in their User configuration. Navigate to Administration -> System Configuration -> Users and select a User profile to edit. Under the Settings tab you can add one or more machines. Remember to press "Save" at the bottom of the page.

Nav User Config v2

Once a machine is added to a User's profile, they will have visibility to the machine's status on the Navigation Bar, then simply click on the machine for an immediate view of the default Operator screen.


Nav Bar Machines

Adding or Removing Columns in Tables

Columns can be added or removed as needed from a table display default.

Click on any three dot vertical drop down menu and select Column, then add or remove any column from the table.


Filtering Table Grids

All table data within SensrTrx can be filtered to show only the desired content.

Click on the three dot vertical drop down menu on the column you would like to filter and select Filter.

Depending on whether you are filtering a numeric, text, date or event type field, appropriate options will be provided to narrow the selection criteria for table data. Filters can be applied on more than one column to further narrow the search criteria.

To clear a filter, select the three dot drop down, select Filter, then Clear.

Table Filter

Sorting Table Grids

All table data within SensrTrx can be sorted on any selected column.

Click on the three dot vertical drop down menu on the column you would like to sort and select Sort Ascending or Descending. Note, only one column can be sorted at a time.

Table Sort

Personal Profile

Make changes to your Personal Profile by clicking on the person icon in the upper right corner of the application web page and selecting Profile.

From the Profile page, you can change your Password, Default Home Page, Email address, or change Alert settings.

User Profile

HELP Documentation

Find Help documentation by clicking on the person icon in the upper right corner of the application web page and selecting Documentation.

You will be redirected to a Help website. The website has excellent search capabilities. Simply type what you're looking for into the "Search for answers" box or you can drill directly into the index pages.

Help Documentation