How to activate End of Run Report

Procedure to activate End of Run Report and Quantity Adjustment Codes

End of Run Report

  1. Go to Cells/Machines, on the Administration Tab, and edit the machine you want your End of Run Report to be available.
  2. In the Settings Tab, scroll down to Other Settings and activate the End of Run Report by clicking on the switch.
  3. [Click] Save.

Before you start using End of Run Report, you would also have to activate Qty Adjustment Codes and establish your Adjustment Codes

Quantity Adjustment Codes

Allows you to give a reason for your changes on your End of Run Report. 

Activate the Codes

  1. Go to Security Groups, on the Administration Tab, and select the user you would like to grant permission to draft the Adjustment Codes.
  2. Scroll down and find the Quantity Adjustment Codes and enable them.
  3. On your Administration Tab menu, an option for QTY Adjustment Codes will become available.

Add Qty Adjustment Codes

  1. On the Administration Tab, [click] the Qty Adjustment Codes in the Master Data group. 
  2. Add a Qty Adjustment Code by clicking the button on the upper left corner. 
  3. A row will show underneath. Add the Code and the Name of your Qty Adjustment Code. 
  4. Click Update to add the new code.
  5. To edit or delete the code, just click on the corresponding button for each code.

How it looks on the End of Run Report