How do I track Overtime

Tracking overtime or production that does not happen every day.

Many companies will run overtime on the weekend or add partial second or third shift to meet their production goals for the day or week. 

Because it can be cumbersome to edit the shift calendar every time you need to run over time we have another option to track over time that doesn't require configuration changes. 

Set Up an Overtime Shift

As an example your company:

  1. Runs one shift per day
  2. Once or twice a week you may run 2 - 3 extra hours

The best way to track this is to add an overtime shift to the system that starts when first shift ends and goes as long as you typically run overtime. 

  1. When first shift ends your operators will start a production record on the overtime shift manually. 
  2. They will track data against that overtime shift. 
  3. Once their work is done on the overtime shift the operator clicks stop to end the overtime shift. 

As a reminder you can have SensrTrx auto start your production records based on when your shifts start. This is how we recommend to configure the system. 

To Setup an Overtime Shift:

  1. Add a shift called overtime, navigate to Administration -> Shifts -> Add Shift.
  2. Edit the calendar, navigate to Administration -> Calendars -> Edit Calendar. 
  3. Add the overtime shift as you would any other shift to the calendar but don't check the auto start and auto stop check boxes. 

Using the Overtime Shift: 

  1. If auto start/stop is configured the first shift will stop automatically. 
  2. Navigate to Production on the menu bar.
  3. Make sure that the overtime shift is selected (it should be selected automatically based on the time of day.) 
  4. Click create.
  5. Click start.
  6. Your data will be collected as normal.
  7. Click stop when your are done producing for the day.