Downtime on Shift/Part/Job Changes

On Shift Change

All downtime is carried over on shift change. If a machine is down for any reason at the end of the shift it will be down for the same reason when the next shift starts. This includes downtime codes marked as ignore

This is true for manually entered downtime through the operator interface or auto collected downtime. 

What if we don't run over the weekend?

Downtime will carry over up to 48 hours after the end of the last shift. For example if a shift ends on Friday at 11:00 pm and the next shift starts at 7:00 am Saturday morning downtime will be carried over to the next shift. 

If the next shift starts Monday morning at 7:00 am downtime will not be carried over. 

On Job or Part Change

No downtime is carried over on a job or part change. When the new production record is created with the new part or job number that production record will be marked as up. 

If the machine was down prior to the part or job change that downtime will be stopped and not carried to the next production record. 

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