How to Add a Custom Calculation on a Custom Object

How to create custom calculations

Custom Calculations are part of the Enterprise package. Please contact Mingo Support to upgrade your current package.



For more information on Forms & Objects, click here and scroll down to Forms & Objects.


  1. Go to the Administration Tab, and click on Manage Objects 
  2. To add a new calculation, select a parent or child object to group the calculation to that Group. Click on Custom Fields and Add a Custom Field.

  3. Create a Label for your new custom calculation, the Field Name will be filled for you based on your Label
  4. Select calculation as your data Type
  5. To start populating your Custom Calculation, click on Add Field to select the metric you would like on your new formula. [Click] select, and you will be inserting that field into the box underneath it. For example, if you choose OEE, something like "production_vw.oee" will show on your screen.
  6. If you want to add a function, just add the syntax to the box. You can see tips on the right side of the screen.
  7. Remember to Check your Formula before you continue by clicking
  8. When you are done, choose how to aggregate this formula by selecting the Supported Aggregates.

  9. Select a Format to display your metric and the decimal points of your preference. 
  10. If you would like to leave an explanation on the new Custom Calculation, you can use the Notes section.
  11. Save your changes.


  • You can create nested IF Statements. For example, 
    IF ( SHIFT =='1', Scrap, IF (SHIFT == 2, Good, 0) )
    • This will show me scrap quantities if Shift equals 1 and Good quantities if Shift equals 2.