
When a master part is made, a co-part is a part made in parallel.

This feature is only available with a Black Belt License


When two or more parts are made in parallel, Mingo sets a master part and related co-parts. For example, if an engine is the master part, a valve might be a co-part. 

Operator Screen

If a Work Order has a Co-Part linked to a Master Part, the operator can click on either part to see the progress of the Current Job. 

If the operator is manually reporting an event for either part number, the reporter has to select the right part before reporting the quantity.

Work Orders

If the Master Part and the Co-Part have different quantity requirements and cycle times, Mingo tracks the progress based on the information provided. This information can be changed or reviewed on a Work Order bases on the Work Order Screens: Machine Kanban and Bulk Edit.